
colour + fibre + thrift

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fun site: i can has cheezburger?

I can has cheezburger makes me LOL. Srsly. Not sure what it all means? Read about lolcats, or read this, it’s very exciting. Linguistically. Plus there are buckets.

ROFLMAO procat.jpg

128295619720157500unsuspectingcat.jpg 128297011302345000andatswheni.jpg

flavor halp

JESUS CHRIST IT�S A LION critical mass

happycat jabba

bunny cookie sup cat

It kinda started with cat macros and lolcats, probably not these blogs specifically, but with the general idea, and grew from there. See also stuff on my cat and my cat hates you.

Oh, and somewhat related, there is now a disapproving rabbits blog! And of course, don’t forget cute overload…have you been there lately?

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Flickr favourites: moo squeak oink glurg


1. La La La, 2. Hal the fishmonster 1, 3. Little Porky, 4. Timmie in his space suit, 5. redrovercute, 6. Moo to you too!, 7. 3 fish for well-wishing, 8. This little piggy…., 9. Bess, 10. Porky, 11. Stuffies Group Shot, 12. 10921x, 13. ארנבון סרוג knitted bunny, 14. Sweet hands, 15. a lover, not a thinker., 16. Me Must Be Dreaming!, 17. egg tart party!, 18. Filzhase Detail, 19. piggie clip, 20. Porta-recados

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Get your daily fix of cuteness: Cute Overload

Originally posted on October 21st, 2006


Cute Overload is one of those blogs that one ABSOLUTELY MUST check out EVERY DAY. Just to keep yourself on the cusp of Overload (too much cute!) and Withdrawal (…must…see…cute). Mostly cute animals, but the occasional cute product, plush toy, website, or cartoon character.

These are a few of my favourite recent entries:
AND YOU THOT that other Seal puppage was cute? Ha.
I know, huhn?
It’s Stu, the newly egotistical pocket pet!
Princess Di just called…
One ear: Baroo!? Other ear: flop
Piglette lips
Xtreme gluttony
This just in: A melting pug
Australian Animal Favorites 4
Goodbye, Steve

There are some cute videos too:
A Day in the Life of the Shorthairs
Rule #26 IN ACTION
Sooooooo tie-tie
“Growing…changing…” [say in High School counselor voice]

And there are also references to other cute sites:
Stuff on My Cat
Baruchito the Hamster
Disapproving Rabbits
Cats (with captions)
The Dog Club

I have to say, my favourite is the disapproving rabbits!

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Grab bag o' stuff

Originally posted on August 25, 2006

A lot of fun stuff for you today:

Can’t remember where i found this photo, but i just love the colours of the wrapping.

Need new office supplies? Check out the Underwear-shaped Rubber Bands

Wow! Is this on TV in North America? I just love this animated Coca-Cola commercial, “Happiness Factory”. Best parts: the Luv Puppies, the snowman shredder, the penguins waving ‘bye to the coke bottle.

Just in case you lose track during the weekly grind: Is it Friday?

This is especially for my friend Jeff–Bugging You–because we have always believed that it is our purpose in life to bother each other. Whenever we call, we start off our conversations like this:
“Hi, am I bothering you?
“No? Too bad! I’ll have to try harder!”

And I thought this article, 50 Common Interview Q&A, would be something interesting to do with my advanced level class, as the majority of them need English for business purposes. Except of course, I will just give them the list at first, and ask them to speculate on why the interviewer might ask each question, and what kind of answer would be best to give.

Finally, Tony Roma’s here in Korea is having a 40% off event every Monday until September 30. Print off the coupons and go enjoy! How about it, Liz?


(Click for full-size cartoon)

The only reason I regret not being able to watch North American TV:


Daniel Dae Kim from Lost

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Spelling, IKEA, and the Swedish Chef

Originally posted on August 15, 2006


Made with images from Flickr…check out Spell with Flickr and have some fun!

And to continue with the visual pleasure, check out You are shown two pictures at a time, and you click on the one you like better. After a few tries, click on the brain, and it will analyze your personality based on your picture choices. It doesn’t do a bad job, actually. It figured out that I am not religious, not particularly wealthy, and prefer to socialize one-on-one.

I love interior decorating, i love design, and i love colour…so upon ripely reflecting, it is a logical conclusion that i must absolutely adore IKEA. Flipping through their online catalogue, I came across this totally unique kitchen table, this blanket that i absolutely must have (or make–hah! right…), and the fabulous striped rug below:


Singing Horses! oooooooo-OOOOOOOO-oooooooooo-weeee-oooooooo! Boomboom-boom ch-ch! Sha-la-la-la!

Click on each horse in turn to make them sing in 4-part harmony. Too cute!

And just in case you haven’t had enough silliness, head on over to YouTube, where it’s a Swedish Chef fest! (More over at Google Video, too)

I particularly love the dough sketch…brings back memories of watching the Muppet Show on Sunday evenings with Mom and Jaret. Bork, bork, bork!


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Originally posted on August 7, 2006

It’s too damn hot to do anything…it’s about 33 or 34 degrees out there, and about 60% humidity. Ick. Actually, I think it’s hotter and more humid inside my apartment…my wallpaper seems to be absorbing all the moisture. It’s actually cooler outside (especially in the evening). I really wanted to vacuum and wash my floors today, but it was too hot, so i did laundry instead and spent some time parked in front of the fan, developing my new addiction….

…..ShoOot!!! (by TONYPA)

It’s a really simple shooter game, but it is so intelligently made, that it’s nearly impossible to get bored playing it…(unless you are a super gamer–but i definitely am not).

There are a lot of other simple but addictive games on Tony Pa’s website, and other than ShoOot, my favourites are Pixel Field (very groovy), Oktoober (very Canadian), and Save the Shoppers (very necessary when i go shopping).

Kinda reminds me of my other favourite game website–Orisinal (major squeal factor because it’s soooooo cuuuuuuute!!). Designed by Ferry Halim, every single one of these games is a work of art, and so different from most other games…


I recommend these ones: These Little Pigs, High Delivery, The Bottom of the Sea and Arctic Blue.