
colour + fibre + thrift

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Pattern: Simple Flower Susemi

simple flower susemi

Simple Flower Susemi

Use three colours of acrylic yarn, and size hook recommended for that yarn.

Make an adjustable loop to begin.

Round 1: Ch 1, sc 8 times in loop, sl st to beg. ch. Pull loop tight and secure end. (8 sts., not including beg. ch 1)

Round 2: Attach second colour just before beg. ch 1 of previous round, and ch 3. Using ch 3 as 1st st, make 2 dc into the 1st st. of previous round to complete a 3-dc puff, and ch 1. (1 3-dc puff, ch 1) in each of next 7 sts, sl st to beg. ch. (8 sts., one puff being counted as one stitch)

Round 3: Attach 3rd colour in ch space just before 1st st of previous round, ch 3 and sl st into 1st st of previous round. Ch 3 and sl st into ch space. Ch 3 and sl st into next st. Continue around, and attach last ch 3 picot to beginning of round. You will have 16 ch-3 picot bumps. Cut yarn and sew in ends.