
colour + fibre + thrift

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Pattern: Square Gradation Susemi

Square Gradation Susemi

After I saw a picture of this one, I just HAD to figure out how to do it. I love the effect of the raised posts. (It wasn’t that difficult, though. I found blurry diagram, and after lots of squinting and magnifying, I think I’ve got the right pattern.) The pictures I saw showed the susemi done in three colors in a gradient, from lightest in the middle, to darkest on the outer round, but you could probably do a four-colour gradient, or any other colour combination. This is a really good, thick susemi. I used the front-post double crochet (FPdc) in the citrus susemi, but this pattern uses the back-post double crochet (BPdc) as well. My new favourite stitches! ๐Ÿ™‚

Square Gradation Susemi Pattern

Use acrylic yarn in three colours, from lightest to darkest, and a hook in a size recommended for the yarn, or slightly smaller if you want tighter stitches.

Round 1: Make an adjustable loop to start, and ch 3. 2 dc, ch 2, (3 dc, ch 2) 3 times, sl st to beg, ch. (12 sts.)

Round 2: In 2-ch space just before the slip stitch join at the end of round one, 1 sc, ch 2, then 1 dc in same space. (1 FPdc, 1 BPdc, 1 FPdc along next 3 stitches, then 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in ch space). Repeat same post stitches and chain-space stitches around to end, stopping with 2 ch, sl st to beg. ch. (28 sts.)

Round 3: Join new colour and proceed the same as round 2, only with 7 alternating FPdc/BPdc’s. Each 2-chain space will still have 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc. (44 sts.)

Round 4: Same as round 3, only with 11 alternating FPdc/BPdc’s, and with 3rd colour. Cut yarn and sew in ends. Make sure to pull tight the original loop and secure, as well. (60 sts.)

If I’ve made any mistakes, or I haven’t been clear enough, please feel free to leave a comment. ๐Ÿ™‚