
colour + fibre + thrift

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Pattern: Citrus Slice Susemi

Orange Slice Susemi

This pattern and other susemi patterns to follow in later posts are based on a tutorials/photos from Korean websites and a photos of Japanese visual patterns. In many cases, the photos are blurry and hard to read, so I have had to guess at a lot, or I have modified the patterns somewhat, and am writing them out in full, in English, for my (and others’) future reference. I think that’s enough to satisfy myself that I’m not violating copyright. ๐Ÿ™‚

To make a beginning loop that can be tightened later: Hold the tail of the yarn in the palm of your hand and wrap it (moving away from you) twice around the end of your index and middle fingers held together. Press all the threads together where they converge at the top with your thumb and slide this loop off your fingers, and hold the loop with your thumb and forefinger. Reach in through the middle of the loop, hook the yarn and pull up a loop, then reach over the top of the loop, hook the yarn and pull through to secure. Now you can start at the same place you would if you had chained a loop and slip stitched to secure.

Citrus Slice Susemi
Three colours of acrylic yarn, size 6 hook, or size small enough to make a fairly tight stitch
For mine, the colours were:
Colour 1: Yellow
Colour 2: Orange
Colour 3: Bright Orange

Note: When you are switching colours, make sure to keep the travelling yarn loose in back, and to not twist or tangle your strands of working yarn. In fact, keep the balls of working yarn separate so the yarn is coming from two different directions.

Front Piece:
Make a beginning loop as described above
Round 1: with colour 1, ch 1, sc 8x in loop, sl st to beginning chain. Pull tail of loop tight to completely close the middle hole, and secure. (8 sts., not including beg. ch 1)

Round 2: ch 2 , secure colour 2 yarn to working yarn near the top of the chain, ch 1 with colour 2 (so that the beginning chain is ch 3, with the top ch in the second colour) , 2 dc into same stitch (first sc of previous round), but do not pull through last loop of second dc–with 2 loops remaining on hook, pick up colour 1 again and pull through to complete second dc. 1 dc into next stitch with colour 1, but again, complete the last loop of the dc with colour 2 yarn. 2 dc with colour 2 in same stitch, complete last loop of second dc with colour 1 yarn. 1 dc with colour 1 yarn in next stitch, completing dc with colour 2, and making 2 more dc in same stitch. Repeat all the way around so that there are 24 stitches total (including first chain), 3 stitches (one colour 1 and 2 colour 2) in each sc. On last dc of round, make sure to finish it with the final loop in colour 1, then sl st to beginning chain.

Round 3: ch 2, switch to colour 2 and ch 1. 2 dc in next stitch, 1 dc in next st, switching to colour 1 on last loop. 1 front-post dc (FPdc), switching to colour 2 on last loop, 2 dc in next stitch, 1 dc in next st, switching to colour 1 for FPdc, continue around so that there are 32 st total, and last loop of last dc is colour 1. Sl st to top of first chain.

Round 4: ch 2, switch to colour 2, (1 sc, 1 hdc) in next st, 2 dc in next st, (1 hdc, 1 sc) in next st, finishing off last sc in colour 1, 1 FPdc, switching to colour 2 on last loop, (1 sc, 1 hdc) in next st, 2 dc in next st, (1 hdc, 1 sc) in next st, finishing off last sc in colour 1, 1 FPdc, switching to colour 2 on last loop, continue around and sl st with colour 1 to end row. (56 sts)

Round 5: (This round all in colour 1) ch 3, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 2 sc in each of next 2 st, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 FPdc, repeat around, omitting last FPdc, and sl st to beginning chain after last dc. Cut yarn and sew in end. (72 sts)

Back Piece:
Round 1: Make loop, ch 1, 8 sc, sl st to beg. ch, pull loop tight and secure.

Round 2: ch 3, 2 dc in first sc, 3 dc in each sc around, sl st to beg. ch. (24 sts)

Round 3: ch 3, 1 dc in first st, 1 dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next, repeat (2 dc, 1 dc) around and sl st in beg. ch. (36 sts)

Round 4: ch 3, 1 dc in first st, 1 dc in each of next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, 1 dc in each of next 2 sts, (2 dc, 1 dc, 1 dc) all the way around and sl st in beg. ch. (48 sts)

Round 5: ch 1, and in order to make 72 sts like front piece, alternate 1 sc/2 sc in each stitch around. Sl st to first ch, cut yarn and sew in ends.

With colour 3, single crochet all the way around, 1 sc per stitch, and going through both top loops of stitches on both rounds. Cut yarn and sew in ends.

You can make this susemi larger by adding one more round.
On the front piece, one repeat would look like this:
Round 4: 1 FPdc, 2 dc, 1 dc, 1 dc
Round 5: 1 FPdc, 1 sc, (1 hdc, 1 dc), (1 dc, 1 hdc), 1 sc
Round 6: 1 FPdc, 1 hdc, 1 hdc, 2 sc, 2 sc, 1 hdc, 1 hdc (72 st total around)

On the back piece, one repeat would look like this:
Round 5: 2 dc, 1 dc in each of next 3 sts
Round 6: 2 sc, 1 sc in each of next 5 sts (72 sts total around)

Also, you can chain a little loop handle before you cut the yarn on the border row.

And there you have it. I know I haven’t written in standard crochet pattern format, so if there are any mistakes or if anything is unclear, please leave a comment.