
colour + fibre + thrift

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Back to blogging….with a pile of books!

[books i’ve bought over the past few weeks: most of the titles are legible, but the bottom section is all Korean craft books (cross-stitch, crochet, sewing, cushions) and magazines (dwell, oprah, real simple, readymade, domino)]

I know, i haven’t been around online a lot lately…I guess i’ve kinda been hiding, sequestering myself in my home and doing nurturing/domestic stuff to help myself get over the fact that Mom and Jaret aren’t here any more…

I’ve barely let myself think about the whole month of April…the memories are in there somewhere, but i’m afraid to touch them, because they still might explode. But i’ve got lots of stories and pictures to share, which i will, as soon as it’s safe πŸ™‚

First news: the green ripple is done! (Well, 99% done, i still have to finish sewing in the loose ends) Isn’t it great? It’s huge! and heavy!


And then with the leftovers, a granny-square afghan that looks like a flower garden πŸ™‚ It’s a lot smaller than the other, but it’s perfect for the couch…


When i started both of these, i originally planned on giving them away–but now there’s no way. I’m too attached! But I have plans for some floor mats and about 6 more blankets, four of which i am making for other people….

And i did a bit of playing with my lovely new oven:

[clockwise from top: ciabatta, english muffins, banana muffins, banana loaf, salmon and pasta casserole, ciabatta starter, green tea and yogurt panna cotta, breakfast sausages, crustless potato and tomato quiche, garlic and spinach dip, carbonara pasta with orange peppers. Recipes soon!]

—aaaaand, just on a side note, it’s been one year since Paul and I met (May 25th…we celebrated with some sparkling wine and another really great conversation) πŸ™‚ Thanks for being my friend, Jungho………oh! and thanks for introducing me to your amazing sister!!!